On November’s Friday the 13th, a virtual Hackalod was held: a meeting of Linked (heritage) Data enthusiasts working together on team projects. Because of the covid crisis, the physical meeting that was originally planned could not happen. The purpose of this online meeting was toREAD MORE

This online event was a follow-up to the workshop “Film Distribution, Exhibition and Consumption during the Second World War” (Leuven, 2018) and the “Movie Theatres in Wartime” symposium (June 2020, scheduled to take place in Amsterdam, but due to Covid-19 downsized into an online event).READ MORE

Before we relied on the Internet, newspapers published the local film listings on Wednesdays or Thursdays. As part of our ongoing collaboration with Cinema Context, Rotterdams Publiek would like you to take part in our latest crowdsourcing project to bring these listings to life. WeREAD MORE

The COVID-19 pandemic has deeply impacted all areas of society. In the Netherlands, the first lockdown in March has brought life almost to a standstill. For many, that period of isolation was a moment of reflection. It has also generated a lot of new initiatives,READ MORE

Film Distribution and Exhibition During World War II Online convention: Nov 19-20, 2020 This online event is a follow-up to the workshop “Film Distribution, Exhibition and Consumption during the Second World War” (Leuven, 2018) and the “Movie Theatres in Wartime” symposium (June 2020, scheduled toREAD MORE

The next academic semester brings new and inspiring CREATE events. Please save the dates for our 2020-2021 Salon and Masterclass serie. More information on topics and speakers will be available soon! Wednesday 23 September 15:00-17:00 (digital)Virtual Interiors Thursday  22 October 15:00-17:00Virtual Teaching and Digital MethodsREAD MORE

On Thursday 28 May, a group of enthusiasts gathered on Zoom for a Cinema Context datasprint, aimed at cleaning and enriching programming data obtained via automatic extraction from digitised newspapers. For the occasion, a ‘Digifil Editor’ was created, a tool structuring the information that participantsREAD MORE

CREATE invites you to a virtual datasprint on Thursday 28 May. Challenged by the corona-crisis, we want to take the opportunity to experiment with new ways for hands-on collaborative work on digital data in humanities research. In this dataprint, we will focus on Dutch filmREAD MORE

Tobias Blanke (professor of Humanities and AI) and Julia Noordegraaf (CREATE, professor of Digital Heritage) have taken the initiative to collect sources related to the COVID-19 crisis. This mainly involves collecting and archiving ephemeral sources that document how individuals and communities experience the corona crisis. The aim is to quickly develop anREAD MORE