By Mascha van Nieuwkerk ”Completomania” afflicts opera history.’[1] With this headline De Volkskrant announced the publication of De Annals van de Nederlandse Opera-gezelschappen in 1996, a fifteen-pound heavy book of almost 1300 pages with over five thousand opera productions in the Netherlands in the yearsREAD MORE

Dr. Paul Dijstelberge will present Metabotnik. Metabotnik allows scholars to gather a selection of high-resolution image files, add metadata and contextual information, and render a Seadragon compatible gigapixel image ready for use, all while doing so from a web-based tool. Dieuwke Hupkes will discuss part-of-speech tagging of 17th centuryREAD MORE

The first time I read the proposal of the CREATE project I was fascinated by both of its two sides: the leading question “Why is Amsterdam such a creative city?”, and the aspiration to answer it by using information technology tools. To grasp the makingREAD MORE