CREATE in London
Affiliate member dr. Bert van de Roemer was invited to give a lecture at the British Library on his digital historical research and the CREATE project.READ MORE
Affiliate member dr. Bert van de Roemer was invited to give a lecture at the British Library on his digital historical research and the CREATE project.READ MORE
Guest Lecture by Prof. Samuel Zipp (Brown University): “Vital Little Plans: Jane Jacobs on Cities, Economies, and Morals” Time: Tuesday, May 11, 2016, 15.00-17.00 Location: University Theatre, Room 101A, Nieuwe Doelenstraat 16-18, Amsterdam This lecture will elaborate on Jane Jacobs and her less well-known visionsREAD MORE
On Monday May 18 CREATE researcher Claartje Rasterhoff will present her research at the Boekmanstichting and emphasize the need for a historical perspective in discussions on creative industries (in Dutch). More info and registration: here. READ MORE