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Date(s) - 19/10/2022
3:00 pm - 5:00 pm


We are pleased to welcome you to our upcoming CREATE Salon on Living with Water in Amsterdam.

Date: Wednesday, 19th October, 2022
Time: 15:00 – 17:00 CET

This will be a hybrid event:
Physical Location: E-Lab (Room 0.16), BG1, Media Studies, University of Amsterdam (Turfdraagsterpad 9)
Virtual Location: Zoom link
If you intend to be there in person (which would be lovely),
Please let us know by filling in this form.

Post the salon, we will hop over to Kapitein Zeppos to continue conversations over drinks!
We look forward to seeing you!


In this Salon, organized jointly by CREATE and the Amsterdam Time Machine (ATM), we discuss how historical knowledge about the management of urban challenges in the past is a potential source of inspiration to design sustainable solutions for the future. We do so with Boudewijn Koopmans from the Amsterdam Time Machine, Indira van ‘t Klooster from Arcam (Architecture Center Amsterdam), Wietse Balster from 3DAmsterdam, and Clemens Beck from the Friedrich Schiller University (FSU) of Jena. These partners have collaborated at the pilot project ‘Living with water in Amsterdam’, which aims to collect, analyze, and visualize historical data on water in the city. The project has materialised in an exhibition at Arcam showcasing interactive installations of the past, present, and future of Amsterdam’s relation with water in the Kattenburg area. The FSU Jena has made available a semi-automated pipeline and a prototype VR application to visualize historical image-based reconstructions of disappeared buildings.


Amsterdam Time Machine: How knowledge of the past helps us dealing with the future
Boudewijn Koopmans | Project Manager of Amsterdam Time Machine (ATM)

The exhibit ‘Fluid matter’ at Arcam
Indira van’t Klooster | Director of the Amsterdam Architecture Center (Arcam)

3D Amsterdam as vehicle to time travel 
Wietse Balster | Product Owner 3D Amsterdam at Municipality of Amsterdam

The 4DCity App
Clemens Beck | Research Associate at the Junior Professorship Digital Humanities at the Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena (FSU)

More information on the speakers can be found here.
