Date(s) - 22/10/2020
3:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Virtual meeting via Zoom
Thursday 22 October 2020
Teaching has been greatly impacted by Covid-19. Digital Humanities teaching, being often collaborative and hands-on, might have been disrupted even more. For this Salon, we have invited Jessica Taylor Piotrowski, an expert from the FMG Teaching & Learning Centre (UvA) who contributed to providing guidance and support to teachers during the Covid crisis. Subsequently, Mrinalini Luthra and Giovanni Colavizza give an update on an ongoing CREATE initiative to foster and support teaching digital methods at UvA’s Faculty of Humanities. We conclude with ample time for questions and discussion among the participants.
Pandemic Pedagogy
Jessica Taylor Piotrowski
Director, Graduate School of Communication
Co-Director, FMG Teaching & Learning Centre
In a near instant, we were suddenly forced to rethink the way we teach. The move from classrooms to kitchen tables was bumpy, but the commitment from our UvA Educator Community to “Keep on Teaching” inspired the development of TLC’s Educational Redesign Aid (ERA) – a tool designed to help teachers take their teaching online. In this conversation, we will discuss ERA – and more broadly, the challenges (and opportunities) that we are all discovering in our time of pandemic pedagogy.
Digital (Methods) Pedagogy in the Humanities
Mrinalini Luthra
Pre-PhD Fellow, CREATE, UvA
Giovanni Colavizza
Assistant Professor of Digital Humanities, UvA
CREATE is seeking to map, consolidate, coordinate and extend digital methods teaching in the humanities at UvA. To this end, it has extended a survey to understand the adoption and applications of digital methods and resources in the humanities; in addition to gauging the impact of the COVID19 pandemic on teaching. In their talk, Giovanni and Mrinalini will be sharing preliminary results of their survey, examples of new initiatives wherein digital methods have been integrated into humanistic research, and close with a discussion on what the pandemic has revealed about (digital) pedagogy.